Cleo Pad Care

Caring for your pads



Cleo pads are manufactured to the highest quality standard and have up to 24 months shelf life from the date of manufacture.

Cleo pads, or ‘electrodes’ are reusable and on average one set should last between 4-6 weeks with normal usage, however, they do have a limited life span and cannot be guaranteed for a set number of uses. 

Over the years we've had customers report a set of pads lasting several months, whilst others only 1-2 weeks, so it really is subjective. 

Formulated with non-allergic medical grade hydrogel, Cleo pads should not irritate the skin or cause any adverse reaction. For detailed information about the manufacturing process of Cleo pads, click here

First Time Users / Users With an Extended Period of Non-Use

If you are new to Cleo treatment or have had an extended break in treatment, for the first few weeks, it is normal for pads to lose adhesion more quickly than when you have an established routine.

This is due to the release of fatty deposits, oil eruptions and deep seated toxins from the epidermis through the pores, which enhances your complexion but initially reduces pad life. As impurities are removed and your skin tone improves, pad life will extend. 

It is important to note that average usage expectancy can vary between individuals, and is influenced by skin type, skin composition, cleansing methods and duration of treatment sessions, as well as storage and care.

Factors That Can Reduce Pad Life

Many things can affect how well pads adhere to your skin and how many times you can reuse them. The following, although not exhaustive are the most common reasons to consider. 

  • Inadequate cleansing / skin care routine
  • Residues of oil based products such as creams, cosmetics, cleansers & sun blocks
  • Toxins & fatty deposits released during early treatment sessions
  • Changes in diet i.e. oily foods
  • Hormonal changes
  • Medication / supplement intake
  • Stress / fatigue / general ill health
  • Environmental toxins
  • Climate
  • Incorrect storage

It is therefore important to follow our top tips to preserve the usability of your Cleo pads. Each pack of pads also has a 'directions for use and care' message on the reverse for you to reference at any time. 

Top Tips For Maintaining Adhesive Properties

We must stress that correct cleansing and storage is strongly recommended to preserve the longevity of your Cleo pads and effectiveness of your treatment.

Effective Cleansing: ALWAYS cleanse the skin prior to treatment; we recommend using Cleo Moisture Mousse or Cleo Pre-Treatment Gel for facial areas, or Cleo Skin Preparation Gel for body areas, all of which have been specially formulated with hydrogel compatible ingredients.

Alternative cleansing products often contain oils which reduce the adhesive properties of the pads, or harsh chemicals which diminish the integrity of the gel.

Even if you use your own brand of cleanser to remove make-up, it is advisable to cleanse again with a Cleo product to remove any remaining residues. Always remember to rinse off & pat dry before applying your pads to skin.

Once pads become contaminated with incompatible substances they do not stick and do not effectively conduct transmission.

* FOR BEST RESULTS: remove dead skin cells once a week using Cleo Skin Sheer Radiance Polish. Regular exfolation helps keep your skin's surface smooth and your complexion brighter. It also unclogs pores and prevents bacterial build up. 


Correct Storage: Cleo pads are supplied on plastic film inside a paper sleeve: the plastic film should be discarded once pads have been removed for use. At the end of your treatment session, remove the pads and place them onto the silicone lined inner of the pad sleeve (the unprinted shiny side). If you replace the pads onto the plastic film, oil contamination will accumulate and hinder adhesion next time.

Store your pads in a cool, dry place away from any source of heat or direct sunlight. This helps to prevent dehydration of the gel which can make it lose stickiness more quickly.

The best way to keep your pads hydrated and the gel in optimum condition is to store them in an air tight container in the refrigerator.  

* FOR BEST RESULTS: rehydrate your Cleo pads with a dab of water prior to placing on the skin or replacing back onto the sleeve liner. 


Ongoing Cost of Cleo Treatment

If you use Cleo regularly it is more cost effective for you to order pads in bulk, especially as they have a long shelf life. Buying your pads in larger quantities can save you as much as 60% so it makes sense to stock up every time you order, and you won't need to order as regularly having to incure p&p costs each time. 

Based on average number of uses per set, lasting up to 6 weeks, the cost per treatment session is as little as 10p if you order our value pack of 10 sets.

To place an order for Cleo pads click here