Cleo Repairs

If it's broken we can fix it


If you're having performance issues with your Cleo device, or it's not working at all, then don't despair, our in-house technician can provide a free inspection assessment and in 99% of cases, make the necessary repairs to get it back working like new. 

Regardless of the age, model or condition of your device, we're experts at fixing our products. Whether you have a CLEO I, CLEO II, Cleo Q, Cleo Discreet or Cleo Active, we offer a swift 2-3 day turnaround time, so you won't be without your system for long, as we understand the importance of maintaing your treatment, especially if it's an integral part of your daily routine. 

There are some easy diagnostics you can do at home though which might mean you can purchase replacement parts without having to send your unit to us. 

Cleo Q Common Problems

The unit won't switch on: in the majority of cases, this is as simple as the batteries need to be changed, or have been inserted incorrectly if you just changed them.

If it has been some time since you've used your Cleo Q, the batteries that have been left in for a long period may have leaked, causing corrosion. 

  • Open the battery compartment and check the polarity. The batteries should be inserted with the 2 outside ones positive upwards, and the middle one, positive downwards. If incorrect, remove and insert again the correct way up. 
  • If in the correct position, try a new set, as even new batteries can be faulty. If the unti still doesn;t swicth on, you will need to send your unit to us for further investigation. 
  • If corrosion exists on the battery prongs, you will need to send your unit to us for repair. 


The 2 large digits won't increase and no sensation can be felt: this is usually due to the 'run' button not being pressed before you press the '+' button to increase output. 

  1. Press the 'on/off' button to swith off the unit
  2. Press the 'on/off' button again, and your LCD should display a small 1 beneath two large 00 (the program is defaulted to level 1 - face)
  3. Press the 'run' button to start the program 
  4. Press the '+' button repeatedly and the large digits should start ot change 01,02,03,04 & so on. Do not press and hold down as this will negate the command

If you wish to select a higher level than 1, press the '+' button before pressing 'run', and the small number will change to 2, press again for 3 etc. Then press the 'run' button, follwed by the '+' button as described above. 

If you wish to select a different treatment area to face, press the 'prog' button after switching on, until you get to the treatment you'd like, for example, once for arm, twice for hand, thrice for chest etc, then follow the instructions above. 


No sensation on one side: this is likely to be a fault with either a face lead or the Y cable. To establish which is reponsible for the lack of transmission, you need to check each part separately.

  1. Put one face lead (lead 1) in one side of the cable, ignore the other face lead for now.
  2. Place a pad at the bottom of the thumb on the fleshy part of your hand and one on the back of the hand
  3. Connect the blue connector to the pad at the base of the thumb and a white connector to the pad on the back of the hand
  4. Switch the unit on and press the 'run' button, then press the '+' button until a sensation can be felt (maybe late 20`s or early 30`s before anything can be felt on the hand)

If sensation is felt, it means that face lead 1 is fine, and that side of the Y cable is too; unplug the face lead from that socket and connect into the other side of the Y cable and test again.

If there is no sensation from testing lead 1 in either socket on the Y cable, that face lead could be faulty, so try the other lead in both sockets of the Y cable, and if it works, the you know that face lead 1 needs to be replaced. 

If you feel sensation on that side too, then you know the Y cable is fine and the fault could lie with the other face lead.

If you feel no sensation in the second socket, then the Y cable is most likely to be faulty, so repeat the same process with lead 2, and you should get the same result from each socket, unless lead 2 is faulty.